Grey-Bruce Ryusei Karate-do Price List

Here is a list of the items that are additions to your regular session fee. All items are available to be purchased from or paid to your Sensei. A Gi (uniform) is required before your first grading.

Prices could change without notice.

Ryusei organizational fee, paid once a year.

  • Children Kyu Belts (17yrs and younger) $30.00
  • Adult Kyu Belts $40.00
  • Black Belts $50.00

Student gi’s

  • $70.00 Sizes 000 to Size #2
  • $80.00 Sizes #3 and up.

(Higher quality gi’s available talk to Mannerow-Sensei or Zehr-Sensei)


  • Kyu grading fee $40.00 paid at the time of your grading


  • Ryusei Karate-Do Manual $40.00

If you have any questions about our karate prices please speak to Mannerow-Sensei, or Zehr-Sensei